We desire... be a band of brothers who stand unified in our devotion and worship of God, demonstrating His power through integrity in our personal lives, marriages, families, & community. be Godly spiritual leaders. faithfully pray for each other as we daily put on our spiritual armor.
We desire... be a band of brothers who stand unified in our devotion and worship of God, demonstrating His power through integrity in our personal lives, marriages, families, & community. be Godly spiritual leaders. faithfully pray for each other as we daily put on our spiritual armor.
Men's Breakfast
Third Saturday
of each month
Beginning @ 8 am
in the
fellowship hall
No breakfast in September due to God's Mighty Men
Men's Breakfast is the third Saturday of each month at 8:00am in the Fellowship Hall.
Men's Bible Study each Wednesday morning from 6:00am to 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall.